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Caiyun Ren

  • Title:

    Associate Chief Physician

  • Department:

    Maternal and Child Health Care Center

  • Specialties:

    Specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequently occurring diseases in general pediatrics and the rescue of critical illnesses, especially treatments of respiratory and digestive diseases.


Graduated from Anhui University of Technology and has engaged in the clinical practice in pediatrics for more than 30 years, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequently occurring diseases in general pediatrics and the rescue of critical illnesses, especially treatments of respiratory and digestive diseases. She took the lead of pediatrics in Huainan, Anhui Province and worked as the vice chair of pediatrics of Huainan Medical Association, Anhui Province. She published dozens of academic papers in Chinese Journal of Child Health Care, Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy, Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine, as well as participated in three municipal scientific research projects.

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